Knowing Who You’re Selling To Matters
Your marketing efforts will considerably be more successful if you have a strong target demographic of customers who need your services and who you want to work with.
Sales are increased through improved marketing. Naturally, “better sales” can translate into higher income, but they can also indicate more interesting projects that you’d genuinely like to work on. Additionally, both of them are simply advantageous for business.
Gaining this “good for business” clarity is a process similar to creating a dating profile or looking for a new flatmate.
You’ll come up with some inquiries to pose to yourself regarding each client, but you’ll also establish standards for each response in advance and be aware of which inquiries are most significant to you.
Consider: “Do they enjoy cats? It’s vital to me that they enjoy cats because I already have one. vs “Do they enjoy cats? It’s crucial to me that they don’t want to adopt a dog because I have severe allergies to animals.
Others aren’t negotiable, but some things are. Not really.
Consider These Questions
Here are a few issues that we won’t compromise on. To “swipe right” and continue working with a client, we require affirmative responses for each of these questions.
Do I like you?
What feelings do I want from a client?
What products or causes are important to me?
What products or causes do I utterly reject?
Do you need my help?
What skills do I possess?
What stands out about me?
Do you have the means to pay me?
What is the size of your budget?
What is the lowest amount of money I’ll try to get from a client?
Other queries that are equally essential to you or maybe more so may come up. I love that! Write down your “swipe right” responses to those questions and jot them down for future use.
In order to avoid going on a disastrous blind date with a less-than-ideal customer, make sure any additional members of your sales team are aware of this information as well. huge yikes